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Fucking Annoying Questions

(last updated October 2, 1997)
Why are you a vegetarian?
Are you a communist?
Are you a fascist?
Why are you a vegetarian?
There are several reasons why someone who has given it some thought would choose to reduce or eliminate the amount of meat in their diet. My reasons are based on political, economic, health and compassion issues.

In a nutshell: current methods of industrialized meat production and distribution hurt family farmers, create a low grade of meat, increase the chances of contamination, and foster inhumane attitudes and treatment of both people and animals.

This is a big issue, and is better covered on my Truth page.

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Are you a communist?
I think there is something useful to be gleaned from virtually any belief system, political or otherwise. I am most comfortable in a sort of capitalist system, and I hold personal freedoms and individual expression in the highest regard. So, no, I am not a communist. Simply addressing the issue of the "distribution of wealth" shouldn't make us think in terms of black and white, left and right. Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with communism or capitalism as social systems. It is the implementation of these systems which fails, because our leaders are often self-centered, corrupt ego-maniacs.

The reason capitalism has become such an ugly word is the western world has lost its balance. The people with most of the money and power seek out these things in order to compensate for their shortcomings. They think the more money and/or influence they have, the happier and more satisfied they will be. The goal is ultimately hollow. Sadly, the pursuit of capitalism is now almost synonymous with the pursuit of excess, ruthlessness, and greed.

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Are you a fascist?
No. I have a need for order, direction, strong leadership, and particularly a vision for the future. I think many of us do. Fascism (indeed any right-wing ideology) promises all these things, but at the cost of individuality and personal freedom. While some people will gladly trade a few freedoms for greater certainty or a sense of security, they are misguided. The trade-off only leads to greater insecurity. Fascism merely presents the illusion of strength and unity.

It would be a great mistake, however, to try to avoid authority and leadership entirely.

I seek order and method for the sole purpose of streamlining, and making routine matters more efficient. In turn, this provides the individual with more time to develop themselves, be creative and spontaneous, and help others.

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